Columbia High School Background
4 years ago
Columbia High School is a SACS-accredited comprehensive high school serving grades nine through twelve. It is one of two high schools in a predominantly rural county in northeast Florida. Forty percent of CHS students are eligible for free/reduced price lunches. Community involvement and support are strong and contribute significantly to the quality of education available to students.

Columbia High School Programs of Study
Columbia High School offers ten academies: the Academy of Banking, the Academy of Building Construction, Child Care Academy, Academy of Culinary Arts, the Academy of Entrepreneurship, the Academy of Global Logistics and Warehouse Management, the Academy of Graphic Arts and Design, the Teacher Preparation Academy (CACE--Columbia Advancing Careers in Education) and the Allied Health Academy, as well as an Executive Internship Program.
Fourteen different Advanced Placement courses are offered, as well as an opportunity to earn both high school and college credit through the Dual Enrollment program offered through an articulation agreement with Florida Gateway College. Columbia High School has 37 academic, honor, and special-interest clubs, as well as numerous interscholastic teams; in addition, dance teams, cheerleading, band and flag corps, and ROTC provide multiple opportunities for enrichment for our students as well as multiple opportunities for community service. Drop-out prevention programs such as the Teen Pregnancy Program, the Credit Recovery Lab, and the tutoring programs help keep at-risk students attending school.